Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


One of the intriguing ginnels that lead straight up the hill from Frizinghall toward Heaton, with St. Barnabas Church being the apparent destination, beyond the vanishing point.

Tempting, but today I was just walking past along the main road.

The comments section today has thrown up an interesting discussion around various dialect terms for alleyways, and whether they have any regional variation.

The Wikipedia page for alleyways explores this at some length
and suggests that while, for example, ginnel, snicket and alleyway might be used interchangably, they do have potentially distinct meanings.

Ginnel: A narrow passage between or through buildings.
Snicket: A passageway between walls or fences.
Alleyway: A narrow street or lane.

Or, as the writer Mark Jones decided to describe the collective in York: snickelways.

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