
By bevhumphrey

worlds within words.

In my job I could spend my life with politicians and senior medics and officials all week. This week has been tough. But I really try to make sure I do something that lets me talk to our patients and ground level staff at LEAST once a week. Drives my secretary nuts, but its important to me...but mostly its great fun and a great touchstone. Today I spent a few hours with a Social Enterprise that we partner with called SMART ( check out their website if interested) They provide a wide range of creative workshops in Salford on everything from Horticulture to Pottery to Photography to Fine Arts to Live Music to Woodwork. It was their 21st birthday this month, but I first came across them 8 years ago and forged a partnership between our NHS services and them that has gone from strength to strength. Some areas have " exercise on prescription" schemes, but I think we are pretty novel in having managed to create " art on prescription schemes" I looked around their celebratory exhibition, then had lunch with their very inspiring Chief Exec, Bernie, and agreed a whole new set of ways we can work together.. particularly I would like to get them involved in our prison work ( we inreach into 9 different prisons in the North West now and its one of my hobby horses) Its hard to get the camera out when I'm on duty, and this isn't a good photo, but I just wanted to share this piece of work which has been produced by someone who has been very poorly, but has found a creative streak she didn't ever know she had.....and she wanted to " build the story she was being helped to read" Just how intricate is this ?? Troubled but beautiful mind. Sometimes, indeed most times, I really love my job!

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