Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Dragon Flight

Went down to the Grove for the dragons, seeing as it was a sunny day. A bit breezy, for the hovering crowd action, but I figured there would be plenty of other material.

When I arrived, there were no dragons in sight, other than a few ground hogging green Sabinas, so I started hunting around for a blip. Within a few minutes four or five pantala dragons arrived, as if they wanted to play with me.

They actually fly quite close, within a couple of feet, but at that distance, it is virtually impossible to follow them as the angular speed (speed relative to the camera) is just too great, also the depth of field will be much narrower. I decided to go back to a pre-focus of about six feet.

Out of 58 shots, I managed five keepers, which was actually quite good for this kind of shoot. Confident that I had some good material on the card, I decided to call it a day.

Identification – Pantala flavescens, the Globe Skimmer.


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