Through a lens darkly

By oojeyboojey

Day tripping

I took a day trip to the Turf hotel this afternoon, to celebrate my friend Dave's birthday. It wasn't a straightforward journey. If logistics interest you, please read on!

I had initially planned to walk to the train station, take an 8 minute journey then get a ferry across the river and walk to the Turf from there. Total journey time would have been about an hour. BUT the tide was out and the ferry wasn't running until after lunch - oh noes! Instead I caught a bus that went the other side of the river, but there was a parade in town which caused the high street to be shut, which meant my bus was late. ARGH. Anyway, I got there in the end and I had a lovely time.

Barbara had come over to visit - she's writing her thesis at the moment so it's important for her to have nice days where she can relax. Some people do two PhD's - crazy, crazy people. I never would!

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