Sleepy Bee

I've been a bit sleepy most of the day myself.

I did get a lot of cleaning and washing done. Two trips to different shops to use discount vouchers - I used to just ignore them but now feel daft if I miss the chance of using them. I must add that I had plenty to say on the subject to the Co-op on there Have you say survey and I wasn't wanting more of the :-(

My M&S voucher worked again £2.50+ £2.50+ £2.99 = £4.80 (well it did today) so I'm counting calories , eating healthily and at about half the price. I did a survey for M&S and had my say about the madness of this kind of offer. I don't buy things I don't want so why do I have to pay £7.99 last month & next month. The discount also operated before Christmas - Crackers!

I watched football with Dad of course but managed to miss most of one match. Villa and Chelsea was a terrible advert for the game in so many respects.

While I was doing and thinking about all these mundane things other people were off having adventures like Penny Bun using her free bus pass to travel from South Yorkshire to the Scottish border at Berwick.

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