North Wiltshire Orchestra - Spring Concert

Today was full of photos! I have been working on the wedding photos I took a few weeks back. Trying to get them sorted by the end of the weekend. But may fail on that mission as we have my Son and family coming for Dinner.

Just over a year ago after taking photos at their concert, I was asked if I would be the photographer for the North Wiltshire Orchestra. I love going to their concerts and this was just a bonus.

The Spring Concert had a guest conducter seen here, Michael Cobb and Guest Leader Sara Stagg. It was strange to see Alex Arkwright the normal conductor in the orchestra.

The Programme:
Fantasy Overture 'Romeo & Juliet' - Tchaikovsky
Henry V Suite - Walton
'Romeo & Juliet' Ballet Suite No.2 - Prokofiev

The Concert was a resounding success. Photography is always difficult in the superb St Andrew's Church, Chippenham, Wiltshire, because of the harsh lighting. But the two EM1's performed as ever very well. One had the awesome Olympus 45mm f1.8 (90mm equiv) set at 1.8 for the complete concert. The other had the 50 - 200 f2.8 - 3.5 (100 - 400 equiv). I also used the 7.5mm fisheye to get the complete orchestra and audience which was almost a sell out.

I walk around with great care so as not to disturb either the orchestra or audience. Making total changes of location left, back, right between pieces. It seems to work well and 100 - 400 reach was a real bonus. Upped the ISO to 2500 and 3200. Sometimes it becomes awkward when they reach a quiet peace as even with the amazingly quiet shutter on the EM1 I don't want to take a shot!

Looking forward to going through the images.

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