random rancid rambles

By rancidand


Short, bald, wearing a dreadful outfit and taking more stick than this all afternoon. Who'd do it.

Forfar beat The Spartans 1-0, against the run of play, although the semi-pros showed greater fitness at the end.

At half time there were a bunch of kids running from the half way line to try to beat the keeper in 10secs. Some of the Forfar lads behind the goal were being loudly and quite amusingly disparaging - until a spunky lassie told em to shut up - quite right too, they were funny but a bit over the top. The kids need encouragement, not to be abused for their physical appearance or for missing/failing to save. There was one girl and she shone above the others for her ball control. Ecodad - sign her up.

Its good to go to a game where the fans are mixed together and change ends at half time.

My first Scottish Cup game for some time.

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