Beach hut open for 2014!!

Today was the best weather we have ever had for the first beach hut day of the season, it was just simply perfect. I had apparently left everything really quite organised last September time so there was little to do except air a few blankets, make coffee and sit and chat for the afternoon. Plans for this year include more eating our dinner on the beach after work, it is always such a relaxing treat.

I needed a nice few hours though. This morning I painted half the fence the colour of poo, I hated every minute of it and hate the colour. It is functional, boring and poo coloured. I am thinking I will go back and buy something more pretty. I hate painting, I had forgotten. And then I had a quick foray into town and was really tired by the time I got back. That's my cold, you know, draining all my energy.

So a sit in the sun was very welcome. Am still exhausted but happily so.

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