tangerine smiles.

By shelbyleigh


i wanted to go downtown with you: to walk, to not be stagnant; to breathe the frozen air and bear it; to feel the start of a season in our fingertips and to warm them in our pockets, with our breath, with beverages sipped hastily near some window; to pass a man and his guitar and secretly envy him; to be not here or there, but then, and to make then last; to mean more than notes on a staff or money in your wallet or the length of my hair; to touch souls, not skin; to walk by the river and dare the current; to be alone; to be together; to take pictures through a foggy lens; to surpise each other and ourselves; to learn, to know, to feel, to fight, to grasp at things just out of reach and perhaps to finally catch hold of them.

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