
By CallieJDH

The Bournemouth Eye

Day 3 of My Busiest Weekend Ever sees me travelling to Bournemouth to meet up with my old school friend Lib. We try to get together about three times a year which is never enough for all the talking and catching up we have to do but it's definitely better than not ! We lose about ten minutes an hour in helpless laughter. She reminds me of Miranda and I remind her of Mirandas Mum (such fun).

I hate heights and resist Libs every attempt to go up in the Bournemouth Eye - a hot air balloon that ascends from the gardens for views of the city. Depending on the wind it sways about in an alarming manner. You can only imagine my dismay to discover that the view from our hotel is of the Eye floating heavenward. Later whilst out searching for a suitable restaurant I was relieved to see it tethered down for the night beneath the full moon.

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