Noises from the SW Front

By Aestus

Mac n' Meat

Nice day. Took ourselves off to the Scottsdale Arts Festival for a wee wander in the sunshine. We each had lunch from one of the food trucks. Food trucks have become trendy - no bacon & egg butties on these jobs. K had Chicken Satay from one, I had this delicacy from another - Mac n' cheese with pulled BBQ Pork on top. Awesome!

Last year,when I&S were here and I was just beginning to blip, I was messing around with screen names. Inspired by Transitaria, I wanted something clever. Came up with Aestus, which I believe is Latin for dry heat. Entered it into my blip profile but it never took. Don't no why. All of a sudden, this week, it has started showing up when I comment. I never actually removed it from the profile but I have no clue why it suddenly started to work. Another of the world's great mysteries. I'll stick with it since I'm afraid to try changing again.

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