Professor George

We attended today the memorial service of probably my favorite lit professor, George Slawson. When I took classes from him way back when, he was such a brilliant teacher. He was irreverent, insightful, hilarious, and entertaining. I learned much about being a teacher from him, even though he didn't teach education classes. He made us think as students, and as I sat through his service, I saw that I used his methodology in my own teaching. I only wish I would have had a thimbleful of his knowledge during my own teaching days. His obituary included these words: "If you were struggling for Civil Rights in the 60s, against the Vietnam War in the 70s, learning to write and to think in the 80s, or if you were a child in danger in the 90s, George Slawson stood with you, shouted with you, marched with you, sang with you, told you stories, or even saved you."

On the back of the service flyer, words from Pete Seeger: "Well may the world go, the world go, the world go. Well may the world go, when I'm far away."

RIP, Professor Slawson. Thanks for your lessons.

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