OilMn's Lair

Sometimes it takes new eyes to see something that one walks past every day. A massive cramp in my calf lifted me out of bed and a sound sleep yesterday morning, and despite my neighbor, "Dr Paul's" ministrations, I was still limping when we picked up our Scottish friend, Carol, at the airport, last evening. We deferred the part of the tour that goes up 25 steps to what we have come to call "the top" until this morning when we went up there on the way to the field where we walked with Ozzie. As soon as OilMan slid open the door to his beloved shed, she announced that it was "like a piece of art". So for today's blip, I give you OilMan's shed with a glimpse through the door at some of the tools he keeps in there.

It is barrel tasting weekend in the Sonoma Valley. Last year's crush goes into barrels to age and after six months or so, the wineries offer previews in the form of tastes direct from the barrels. I fail to see why this is of interest to anybody but the winemaker,, but busloads of tourists show up at the participating wineries with wristbands and wine glasses in little slings around their necks to eat and drink. Any excuse for a party in Wine Country.

We showed up for lunch and a glass of wine at our favorite local winery and found it heaving with men in aloha shirts and women in full length sundresses and impossibly high heels. We sat in the sun and watched three kids,, apparently abandoned by their tippling parents sat at a table near us-- two little girls playing with their dolls and a little boy glued to his game device. Quite a contrast with the accordion player and two tenors wandering amongst the tables singing old Dean Martin songs.

Just another day in Wine Country….

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