
By intothehills

Things that go to make up a life..

Bored stupid by sitting around 'resting' I decided to ride out in the car with Cat whilst she did some errands today.
We're in the slow process of emptying the M-i-L's flat now that she's moved into a home, today the first load of objects went to the Auctioneers. These are the little things that non of the family have wanted to keep, the things found in cupboards, sat out on shelves, packed away in boxes. Things that Molly spent 80 years collecting, but now, post stroke, doesn't need or want. Arriving at the auction house there was table after table after table of mementos of various lives, the sparkle of crystalware & silverware was everywhere; unwanted art lined the walls, lots of people were unpacking boxes and lives it seemed.

Back at home I look around and whilst we're by no means hoarders I can see the things we've collected around us, things precious to us and yet no-one else, and one day someone will probably get the job of taking them to another auction house.
Ever since we started this change of life we've talked about how important it is to us to live a life where we can look back on what we did rather than what we wished we'd done, who we were with rather than where we were, what we gave rather than got. Today looking at those tables made that just a little clearer.

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