
By hockeystorm65


There have been a lot of photos of the moon of late...inspired, no doubt by the lovely clear evening skies we have had recently. However, I think that there has been a lack of attention given to the stars that fill our night skies! So tonight I went out to redress the balance and capture a selection of the 10,000 or so stars that are visible from Earth with the naked eye......... imagine my disappointment when things clouded over..........having got home with a plan, sorted out the kit and walked a couple of miles away from the effects of street and house lights...........only to find things had clouded over.......and then it started to rain! So, time to get back to the village and take shelter wherever I could find it.......happily I found it here first!.......about 50yrds from home!, one star captured and 9,999 to go!.........that will be thirsty work.......think I had better had another pint first!

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