Two .....

..... years of shooting.

and I'm enjoying it more every day. Two years ago I would never have imagined I'd be up last night sewing fake fur to make a blip bunny let alone wearing plus fours, but blipping enables you to experience lots of new things.

My passion for photography keeps on growing and a big part of that is this wonderful community and all the feedback here on blip. I've been lucky enough to meet some wonderful, funny and very talented blippers in person over those two years and hope to meet some more of you soon.

This morning Mr M and Eban gave me a hand ( and paw ) to take this photo up on the moor, it was very blowy and wet causing caps and ears to be blown all over the place. This evening I'm off out in Bradford to meet up with some photographers for a meal and to set each other some new photography challenges ( I may not wear the tweed for that ).

Thank you to everyone who pops by to look at my blips and for all the wonderful blips you produce, they really brighten up my days and make me laugh / cry and see and learn so many new things. So today's blip is .....

..... Two years of shooting.*

* No blip bunnies were harmed in the making of this blip, this one was let loose to roam the moors and was last seen happily producing lots of little number twos as it hopped off in to the distance.

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