"Watch the Birdy. "There it (nearly) is!

4/6 =2/3 of a Blipmeet = 100% family gathering.
By prior arrangement the six of us met at "Embleton Spa" for a meal.
If you're in the area and fancy it ... DON'T bother.
I emailed them ... No answer came the stern reply.
Gaffer phoned them ... Ditto.
"Oh, we'll meet there anyway." So we did. Walked in, not 'Asshole' in sight, key pad on front door gave a bit of a clue but didn't keep us out, went in, deserted, muttered, left.
Plan B = "Lets go to the Pheasant."
So we did, chock-a-block with wrinklies mid-week: they had to pull some tables together to accommodate us, which they speedily did. A waitress told the folk who followed us in "We may not have a table." This, by the way, has been Bi-passed TWICE. While it was still the A 59whatever the road was slightly straightened, then they grew the ubiquitous A66, the name of which OUGHTH to change as it crosses the A6. This led to "The Pheasant Inn" being on a lay-by on a lay-by on the A66. NOT that it appears to deter folk, or hide it.
If the Embleton Spa closes for winter wooden chew think they'd let folk know on their web-page instead of publishing their "Lunch Menu"??
And, maybe putting a message on their answer 'phone. Maybe they're still in the 19th C, or earliest 20th C.

After we were adequately filled we continued "the Crack" outside where "The Man" & I spotted a wren, which seemed to be building a nest near the entrance. We both had a go or two and I think this is the only one I was successful in.
What you see if ≤1/2 the picture, in which the little Miss Chief (Or Mrs. Chief) WAS in the centre of the , then, picture, on the edge of that trough.
Moral:- Take big camera, it has a view-finder you can see through in less than ideal conditions.

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