First cutting of the grass this year

That's done it. Susan said the grass needed cutting and so, as a reluctant mower of lawns, I eventually succumed. The first few cuts are always hard work as I feel duty bound to scarify the grass to get rid of the moss and thatch that accumulates over the winter. Hard work with a wire rake but it gets up a tremendous amount of rubbish so is quite satisfying when it's done.

I follow my Dad's advice when cutting grass, don't start too soon in the year, finish as early as possible in the year and keep the grass long, just trimming off the ends to keep it tidy. Since he was a gardener all his life in a Victorian kitchen garden on a country estate and mown a few lawns in his time I reckon his advice is worth heeding. You see many people scalping their lawns, especially early in the year. It's not good for them or for you.

The sad thing is that while he was alive I was not interested in gardening much, it's only since he's died that I've taken up an allotment. How I would value his expertise now.

Its been a good day all round. Swimming first then to the garden centre to replace broadbean and pea seeds that I cannot find but I'm sure I had on my allotment order. Then after lunch a bit of work for a bid to the Department for Education. Completing the bid is tomorrow's task.

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