Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Ahhhh the 'fringe' story ....

Last night Alice asked DDLC ( her mother) for a fringe like her best friend at school .... So DDLC duly obliged for when Alice has an idea in her head (and as long as it's not a bad one) DDLC often encourages it ( for newcomers to my blips Alice is autistic and VERY special to our family ) the thing is ... About ten minutes after the lopped off hair went into the bin she decided that she did in fact want no fringe and could DDLC put it back as it was before ... Ahhhh children ... How we laugh... Sense my tone ....

Anyway today Lucy and I popped into see the 'fringe' of awesomeness and Alice is once again happy as now she and Lucy look like twins ...

Mr W purchased me some wax strips to do my mono brow ... Oh and I did pork chops in an apple sauce in the slow cooker this evening and it was very nice ...

PS ... I do believe my America friends call the fringe ... Bangs ? which makes me giggle a bit.....

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