
By Beckett


..... one of our good friends on Blip needs your thoughts......

We all look forward to Raestelle (Estelle's) Blip each day!!!

But last week noticed she had not posted as always each day! So I posted a comment on her last Blip to her well being?? And, no answer!

Well Evolving Moments (Jo) had the same concern but thankfully she had John & Estelle's number. And as you can read on Jo's blip today Estelle is presently in hospital following a stroke, which may well have come from the recent op on her eye and the pursuing medication problems which she told us of.

John has explained to Jo of their heartfelt thanks to you all for our concerns to Estelle, and if you would like to pass a message to John for Estelle then Jo has given her email to contact - it is

Not good news, but we know from Estelle's Journal she has been a person who has overcome many adversities in life, and with all of our thoughts combined sure to fight this health issue now.

From all of us Estelle, get well soon xx

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