George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

This is my stick

We've had such a busy day - and quite frankly I am knackered very tired.

This morning I walked with HER all the way up to the Post Office. I sat down for a little bit while SHE emptied the letter box, and then I went to meet the nice Post Office lady. The sit down wasn't anywhere near long enough, and I got plumb tuckered out walking back, so SHE had to carry me for a while.

Then this afternoon we did something new, called "hanging out the washing". Apparently it's important to do that while the sun is shining.

I was so embarrassed. My friend Ernie took exception to HER shorts hanging on the line, and went ballistic at them. His HIM had to come out and take Ernie inside for a while to calm down. I thought HER shorts were perhaps slightly on the large side, but no need to go barking at them.

Anyway soon after that Ernie went home with his HIM, and I went with HER to take some photos in the back garden.

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