My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Roundabout Way Home.......

.............after lunch in Sleaford with a friend.

We came back home the long way as I wanted a picture for todays Blip but because of limited time and my friend's total lack of interest in this Blip lark, this was the best I could find. Taken in a pretty little village about 8 miles away.
Thought this cottage was rather nice and so very typical of it's kind.

The weather has been very mixed and you can see the dark clouds looming but the sun was shining on the stonework.

A stream runs right the village, with wide grass banking 0n either side - a lovely little place - lots of daffies and ducks but I've blipped these before.

When Anni was blipping on my behalf, (19th Feb.) - I think she mentioned that my friend is not the best of drivers - although she has been driving for over 20 years. Today was no exception - two stalls, one kerb hit and a very, very near accident on a roundabout - failed to see a silver van coming from the right!! A VERY near miss! Lots of horn blasts and gestures from the driver!!! I am now a gibbering wreck and am going to have a cup of strong coffee and a sit down to recover!!!!!! Am exhausted after all that!

Hope your day has been a little less nerve wracking!

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