Life through the lens...

By ValC


The Springtime garden at Harlow Carr, Harrogate. ( Best viewed large)

Weather forecast good, so decided to visit Harlow Carr, for the first time this year.
The gardeners have been very busy during the winter, planting new flower beds, and laying new paths.
The woodland walk has now been sown with wild flower seeds from the Yorkshire Dales. It should look wonderful this summer.
The vegetable garden looked so neat and tidy, and was covered with wonderful well rotted compost. Wish I had some for our garden!
The alpine greenhouse was at it's best. I love those tiny delicate flowers.

I bought some seed potatoes to plant in the bags. They did so well last year, so I'm going to plant two lots this year.
Also bought a hollyhocks. Hope they look as good as the photo on the label!

I have put some more photos on my Blip Folio. see here

It always inspires me to do better in our garden!

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