
This is a picture of Kev. I used to work with Kev for about 6 or 7 years before he decided to opt for a change of career before Christmas. He popped over to the office today to say hi and catch up with a few people as he had a couple of days off.

We went for a walk around the estate to get some fresh air and to chew the fat. It sounds as if Kev has now fully settled into his new career and is enjoying it, and is champing at the bit to get back to it next week.

While we were out walking we bumped into somebody else from the office who stopped to chat with Kev, and I took the opportunity to get a couple of portrait shots in a slightly more relaxed moment, and I think it captures Kev's happy personality. He's probably going to come out with us on Friday lunchtime for a Full Fat Friday session at one of the nearby eateries.

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