Not Berry Good

I was trying to keep K&L in the Christmas mood by taking pics of the only holly tree around here that still has some berries left but it was windy and the blinking thing wouldn't stay still for even the fraction of a second needed. So instead the late celebrants can just pretend these are holly berries, at least they're the right colour. Berry Christmas!

This bush was outside the dentist's where I'd had to make a quick visit to check out a chipped tooth. No problems though and I was on & off the chair in minutes; just the kind of visit I like. So I was home by the back of 5 which is pretty unusual and in time to check out a driver that was on my eBay watch list. Eight minutes later and my bidding strategy worked (basically do nothing and hope for the best) and I'll soon have another driver to add to my motley collection of tried and abandoned golf clubs. Which reminds me, I really do need to clear out that loft!

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