Double Shot Mummy


Super Hero Woofy!!!!

One for his 21st?!

Yes, he dressed himself. Oscar and Bailee often get into character. Oscar is usually 'Woofy' and, Bailee goes by the name of 'Lady'. How children's minds work amazes me. The questions, the creativity, the fun and the innocence.

Oscar asked another good question today:
"What is the hook on the back of Matar's truck mummy?" (A disney pick up truck).
Me: "Matar is a pick up truck. He uses the hook to tow cars that have broken down".
Oscar: "Who tows Matar then?"

So glad to have these three cherubs in my life. This morning was definitely a yuck one. (We are ok, but it is not something I wish to discuss!) The point is... kids have an unparalleled power to make you laugh and cry happy tears!

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