
I earned a few 'good neighbour' points when I got home from work tonight.

As I parked the car on the drive, I spotted that my neighbour's front door was swinging open, with no sign of her, so I went to investigate.

She's a lovely lady, well into her 80's and desperate to sell her house so she can move back to Scotland to be with her family (she lives alone here).

As I got to her door, I could see her watching tv, so I gave her a knock to let her know the door was open and also let her know that Mr A had fixed her guttering (that he promised he'd do when the weather was better).
She was in a bad way. 'I've had a wee stroke' she told me, before bursting into tears.
She's lost a little bit of her speech, and some use of her right side. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be, especially for someone as fiercely independent as she is.
I gave her a hug and said I'm always just next door if she needs anything. She reassured me that she's fine and didn't need anything at the moment, but thanks for the offer.

I popped out to Tesco a bit later on, and when I got home I'd missed a parcel delivery, but they'd left it with the lady next door.
I took the opportunity to give her my phone number and stress that she mustn't worry about using it. She had another little cry and almost set me off in the process and we had another hug before I went back home.

My parcel was a new pair of Converse sorry Mr A.....they were calling my name.....honest!! to go with my growing collection! They are the blue ones bottom left of the photo.
I don't care if I'm forty-something, I like them and they're comfy.

What I've learned today is that growing old is inevitable.....growing up is optional!

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