Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Lake so low

Talk about a drought! Lake Piru hasn't been this low in 15 years, they told us. And today is the last day they would be getting water from Lake Pyrimid, so I wonder if it will go down much more. Wonder what the fish think - their home is shrinking! Our friend with a boat took a group out for a spin. I didn't go this time.

We had a relaxing day. I took a long walk to the lake from the campsite with my aunt & uncle (the El Segundo ones) who came to visit for the day. We saw them for Thanksgiving in San Diego too.

The kids took a hay ride with their cousins. And Santa even came for a while! The campgrounds had a winter decoration theme going. I missed Santa 'cause I was nappin'! Our friends deep-fried a turkey (and anything else they could get their hands on) for dinner.

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