Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

Two things I didn't expect to happen when I got up this morning: 1. I raised some money for Cancer Research by forgetting to shampoo my hair and being a bit sarcastic. I should tell my employers about this untapped talent. 2. I was just given a copy of the Qu'ran, I'm interested to read it.

Day 17

This is one of my favourite books, I probably read it first when I was about 11, and found this lovely clean copy in a charity shop for 50p a few years ago. It's set near where I grew up and has some great historic episodes, I think the Black Death is my favourite!!
I just read Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, entirely on my phone. It was my first virtual reading experience and it was a superb book but I'm glad to get my hand on a proper book again...

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