
By MaryannA

Winter's Ending Slowly!

It seems like winter is hanging on forever. Tomorrow is the first day of spring and we are expecting a snowfall of up to 3 inches or so. Of course any snow from now on should melt rather quickly, but it can still cause havoc when it is falling.

I went to do a purchase online that I do monthly and it declined my card! Paralyzing feeling, what do I do. I called and discovered that I never got the replacement card I should have because they didn't have my new address in their files. It is all straightened out now but will be without the card until the new one arrives. I used it yesterday, so I had no clue. Luckily It happened on a phone transaction and not at the grocery checkout with $200 worth of groceries in a cart. Thank goodness! I'll have to go to the bank for some real money! Some places don't want to accept real money!

It was quite cold and windy today, and some piles of snow linger on, but tomorrow it will be SPRING!

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