Mmmm mummy

I has a good night last night. Mummy not so much, her throat is very sore. She has some medicine now so hopefully that will help.

I have had a fun day today. Mummy and I played in the house this morning. We had my bricks out, we played with my kitchen and played at shops. I had great fun pushing my trolley up and down the hall with my shopping bags on my arm.

I had some nice grapes today. I love them so mummy only gives me a little at a time. I get my own plate mummy has her plate, she doesn't know I steal some of hers.

I was speaking to grandma on the phone tonight, I even said night night to her. I also gave her kisses too of course.

I'm off to my cot now, mummy is taking me to meet one of her school friends tomorrow. They went to nursery together and seemingly got up to lots of mischief together. Hopefully I will pick up some gossip on mummy. They haven't see each other in years. Auntie Gillian is coming too.

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