
By TynvdB

That beautiful tree covered hill

Looking out of the train window you discover many places where it would be a pleasure to walk around or cycle. It doesn’t matter why it might have been a long time since you were there. Or that it concerns places which you actually will never reach. Never meet. It is similar to knowing a few people amid the billions of strangers around. Also here on Blipfoto things seem to work a bit accordingly.

You cannot know more than a very small corner and you don’t need to be shy or self protective for that. I’m told there are one or two geniuses who prove in their exceptionality that you might best keep your real attention focussed on those few friends, you know by predilection, chance, common interest, for some reason..or none.

As I’m just an unexperienced beginner in this field - maybe I’m completely mistaken - when I compare this Blipfoto-site with an expanding virtual photo-exposition-club. Time is limited to the members and visitors. And time is limited to and around your personal “room”. You know that it would be effective to broaden your relevant contacts with other meaningful journals, inspiring techniques, if you could simply spend more time visiting unknown groups, sites, journals.

But there is also that minimal “normal” daily life you have to live. Some of you under very harsh and difficult circumstances. Let me say that no one is to be envied here. Severe illness and death breaking rudely into our lives, disrupts also “normal expectations” in our small groups.
But in some way or another everyone has to deal with this “limited time” problem.

As in walking, travelling, love and life, old habits should be unfixed, even broken in order to find a way back to authentic inspiration. Eros may have found strange shelters or untracable hiding places, but never irretrievably or irrevocably. In some cases you need the courage for a real “descent into hell”. Like Odysseus descended into the Hades in search for the shadow of the Seer Tiresias. On your way out you might find yourself back matured, wiser and liberated.

I don’t mean to say that “the Hell” would stand for “that other stranger”, the nameless unknown Blipper. I do not want to share Sartre’s image of man. What I really want is to take as seriously as possible the mostly unknown depth of my soul. Just to work out in process my preparedness for authentic communication through, by and about my photos as a spontaneous poietic sign of the creative living I’m trying out.

I acknowledge that I should keep a modest, moderate, wise and friendly tone, even in humour and irony. And I feel grateful and deeply honored by the personal comments of my subscribers. I learn from how you tell me your interpretation, view or feeling. I do my best to return this personal interest in an honest way. Even when I’m joking or “frolicking”, as MariB said.

Sure, there will always remain this vast amount of unknown, unvisited journals still potentially to be discovered on the spotlight. Like that beautiful tree covered hill, I see often through the train window travelling to the east. It means also that we will soon make the last change before arrival.
As our train journey progresses this endless multiplying and fading away of the world will come to rest for a while.

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