
By halpis

5 makes 25

A portion of normal photographs I did today. I do love dark room & monochrome prints. The "normal" prints.

One thing though, I hate mathemathics. Yes, I can do 1+15 etc. dilutions but then there comes Kodak fix which says "5 makes 25" -which is very unfair since other Kodak canisters (dev & stop) did have the normal dilution formula of 1+something.
With my math I calculate the dilution to be 1+5 only to notice afterwards that the correct answer to this puzzle is 1+4! With Ilford, this would not have happened.

Well, nevermind 8), we'll see how long these prints last. And the dark room was what it was (i.e. no proper place to wash photos yet, for instance.., let's see how many extra smudges will appear in time).

Fortunately, next time will be using Ilford stuff.. And side note: Agfa's monochrome papers seem to be of quite nice high quality. Was very pleased to notice (used an old and outdated packet but most seemed to be more than okey).

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