Red Lobster

This tank in the local Red Lobster restaurant in Florida reminded me of a hilarious story involving a cameraman friend of mine.
He got an excellent commission from a foreign tv station to film wild Scottish lobsters in a rock pool.
A resourceful man, he went down to his local fish shop and "borrowed" two of their best lobsters.
They were taken to a rocky and scenic part of the coast where he spent a couple of hours filming the lobsters in the wild.
Next day the footage was dispatched to the tv station.
A few days later he received an email from the producer, which thanked him for the wonderful footage of the lobsters in their native habitat.
It ended with a question: "The production team on the programme are wondering whether all Scottish lobsters in the wild have red elastic bands around their claws?"
Rumbled, he was back at the fish shop early next morning, this time armed with a pair of scissors.....

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