With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Market temptation

If anything was to drag me away from the mountains, and I had to live in Palma, it would be here in Santa Catalina. Not in the market itself, it would drive me crazy with all the delicious smells around. The area used to be a bit run down, being behind the paseo maritima and marina I guess you can imagine the sorts of things that went on there. Now it is well on the rise, with the market and loads of bars and interesting shops, some thankfully still quite traditional and no chainstores. My friends Sandra and Jessica have just opened a yoga and dance studio, which I found today.

I turned the colour right down in this shot, because the jamon looked a bit bright and artificial. What do you think??

I think the woman on the left is on a diet, but the guy on the right could sniff out a good jamon :)

I'm sorry I haven't much time for commenting today, again. I'm off for dinner with the girls. I made some sushi. I hope they like it.

EDIT: I've put the full colour on my blog if you want to compare them :)

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