Barren world

Was heading yesterday to a concert when I noticed some really strange clouds. Quite fluffy but the colors were from brown to sickly green. Didn't really think much of it except mentioning it to my friends. When I got back to my apartment, in the early morning hours, it was really hot and humid in the house so I opened the windows and while waiting for it to cool down I noticed how bright the moon looked and so I took this photo.

This morning I learned that the off-looking clouds were due to huge fire that broke out in one of the main forests, might be the last one left of this size, near Athens. A huge area is now burned and the vast amount of wildlife has perished as well. The air this morning is filled with ash from the fire and hospitals are on alert for receiving people that might have respiratory problems.

And this is not all, reports say that more that 100 fires are raging in Greece!

We complain about heatwaves! We complain about floods! But in the end we go and burn down our allies (the trees and the forests) in this changing weather.

I am angry! I love looking at the moon and the reflected sunlight make her all the more beautiful but is this what we want our planet to turn to? For all our talk to the contrary we seem to be doing just that!!!

[UPDATE] Thanx archangel! Just realized that this is our neighbor too!

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