Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Relief from Sport

The children all visited the local secondary to complete their final mile in what has been an incredible school effort. One superstar of a lad has raised an amazing £904 all by himself by achieving a total of 100 miles!!!!!!!! I can't say how impressed I am, what a dude.

I was luckily relieved of running duties so I could look after Jnr Jnr with her fractured arm and take some pictures. To be honest I had been trying to get out of actually running all week because:
- I hate running with a passion (put on a saddle any day)
- I am seriously unfit at the moment
- I would ache for about a week afterwards
- I look a prat when I run
- I am a chicken

I got the "OK, you can look after Jnr Jnr" yesterday - that was good as I was about to resort to tears/bribery/arranging a kidnapping.

They did make me wear the headband though. It managed to make me look even more unsporty and unfit.

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