Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

I've always wanted to go over this stile. I don't know why really as there's nothing much over the other side, just bog and moss and not a lot of trees. Anyhow I was just about to walk past it this afternoon and thought lets see what Misty does if I go over it, so it was a bit of a test for her really. I could see that she would be able to get under the fence a bit further along. It took her a while to figure it out, but I kept on walking away from her and kept looking back to see what she was doing, she didn't like me getting further away from her and the penny must have dropped as she managed to get under the fence, woo hoo!! We didn't go very far as I could see a weather front moving in and didn't have waterproofs with me, so headed back to the car. A minute later and the heavens opened.

You can see Skiddaw in the background which should have a fresh covering of snow tomorrow having just listened to the weather forecast.

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