
By Angelique


Words - the above scene I drove through today, the first time since this entire area was overtaken by rainwater. It was a strange feeling, looking all around and trying to come to terms with where I was standing, in fact where the car stood was up until last week under water. So this is the first time I have been able to drive direct to my Stain glass course.

Just to the right of the picture is a what was a company dealing with wooden products. It has closed down, complete davastation with nothing left. His whole livelihood finished. On the TV this evening BBC 1 had an interview with one of the farmers. He had had a visit from a Ministry Bod who had looked at his ground conditions. He told him it would be 2 years before his soil returned to growing conditions. So what's he supposed to live on?

My stain glass course was quite tedious with a piece of glass refusing to be cut and eventually cracked right across all my small pieces. And that's how the day has been really. Tonight we have had a call from Longrun to say that Adrian has been very disturbed and violent. Do we still want to have him home tomorrow? Now bear in mind, tomorrow is planned, his cake has been created and his presents have been wrapped. Tomorrow we are supposed to be creating him a birthday treat. So what could I say but YES, of course he must come home!! I only hope he calms down once he get's here!!

Hope you have all had a successful day (is that 2 c's?, never sure) who knows? And now we have Saturday fast approaching. Just time to wish you all a great weekend full of family and laughter. xx

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