
By Brookeside

No makeup selfie

Following the Facebook craze this week I took a no makeup selfie and uploaded it to Facebook. There are a lot of differing opinions on this from my Facebook friends. From the people who thought only of peer pressure And the need to upload a photo because everyone else was and didn't think of the reasons why, to the friends who thought I'm objecting to this because it's a) showing that women should always wear makeup and to be seen without should merit a Facebook campaign and b) that we shouldn't wait for a Facebook craze to donate to a worthwhile charity. I feel that it's been a fantastic showing of female solidarity and as someone who regularly appears in public without makeup - not really that much of a hardship to bring such focus to a worthy cause. Perhaps I've not really thought about it in enough depth and perhaps as a woman, who likes to imagine herself as a feminist in most areas, I should not be willing to join in. However anything that raises over 1million pounds for a cancer charity in 24 hours is ok in my book!

Brooke when you are old enough to be reading this, please always follow your own path, don't ever be fooled into believing in something because others do and never bow down to peer pressure. It's ok to speak your mind and make your own decisions. High school will be a testing time but it honestly gets better!!

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