Spicy Fish Tacos

By noahw96


Woke up seeing all double and dizzy
Rested my eyes before school so I would stop being dizzy and seeing double
Got replaced with a killer migraine
Then tingling moving up my arm, through my shoulder and onto my face
Only on the left side of my body
Gym cancelled meant I slept all of second period
Passed out in the library
Lit was nothing
Public speaking was good as usual
Research was nothing
Spent 6th doing more nothing
Was very skeptical about practice but got through it anyway
10 x 400 with a 200 afterwards
Good times all around
Felt good
Walked home with Siff and Keton
Went to Sripraphai with Keton and Ryan
It was good and filling
Stopped at carvel for Ryan
Home to talk to the beaut for a bit
Before Midnight is enlightening
I love her

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