Nap time

Friday is Rhythm Tine at the library. Minnie loves seeing Ella and all the other little ones. She also loves standing on my legs and bouncing up and down, lots and lots!

Steph and I didn't go for out usual coffee as I had a pedicure and leg wax booked in while Nanny and Grandad looked after Minnie.

I got a letter from work in the post - it included a lot of vouchers to dine out and also a VIP card for The Restaurant Group. I've worked for them (F&B) for 18 years except for a break when I went to Oz and they are sending out recognition to long serving members of staff! How nice is that!

Minnie and I had a nap when we got home then by the time Si got home and the boys been walked it was bath and bed time :)

Another day gone in a flash. I can't believe Minnie is 6 months old in a few days....just where is time going!!!

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