My Best Efforts - Year 3


The Great Annual Duckrace.......

...........held in Sleaford held each year for Charity.

Anni's Husband (Himself) came over this morning to take me shopping. I took us out for lunch nr Silk Willoughby - Restaurant at Four Seasons Garden Centre - if you are in the area, do try them -( their steak pie is absolutely delicious) and their meringues .....well!!

Anyway, fed and watered, we carried on to shop at Sainsburys - ( other supermarkets are available) - just as we arrived, the duck race was just starting.

Two thousand plastic ducks have been on sale courtesy of Sainsbury’s, Sleaford, to be decorated and were launched into the river next to the store carpark today for Comic Relief.
The owner of the duck to reach the finish line first will receive a prize and there will also be prizes for the best decorated ducks. How they fared, I do not know - a lot were upside down but bobbing along quite merrily. No doubt the amount raised and the names of the winners will be in the local paper next week. A lot of very excited children were egging on their own individual duck in the sunshine. They were having a great time.

Whilst Himself was here, he said we should start up the car and "unstick" the brakes - it's not been out since early January. He was most surprised how "unstuck" they were and car started up first kick. Excellent!

My new neighbours moved in today - luckily enough, there was only one short shower and it came when one of their sons had gone to fetch more stuff - am so pleased for them - nothing much worse than a wet moving day. Which reminds me, in all my moves, I can't ever remember a wet one!

They certainly weren't short of help - there seem to have been loads of relatives, both young and middle aged, coming and going with boxes, bags and furniture all day.

I'm not sure how they will manage - there was an awful lot of stuff and they are coming from a largish 3 bed house to a miniscule 1 bed one. It didn't worry me that I had to get rid of so much but from a comment made by one of the sons, they weren't too happy about getting rid of anything! Apparently, the male partner has only about a year or so to live - which is so sad.

Been quite a nice day - sun and cloud but a cold wind 38 Deg F.

Hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend and thank you having a peek at my ducks.

Sooc and very much better on large!

Sadly, there seems to be little news regarding the missing Malaysian plane - everyone must be still hoping though.

Last year it was a horrid day and I posted one of friend Beryl's orchids.


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