Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Today has tipped me over the edge.

Everything has gone wrong and it is all my fault. Tried to put curtains up and started by pulling them together, mucked up big style and now fear I can’t use them. I had to look at you tube to know how to do that part. I’m so stupid, can’t even put curtains up. Was so angry with myself I punched and threw what was closest to me.

Then couldn’t get my petrol cap back on after getting petrol. Could have just sat and cried.

Went along to the Botanics in hope of a peaceful walk but I felt too agitated and anxious to enjoy it. Did the fairy walk where I found this image.

I also have been left really hurt by people’s actions today. I don’t think they realise though.
Came home, cried, cut and punched a few more things. Now I feel so spaced out. Really tempted to have a drink tonight.

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