View from my window

By skiesnsunsets


We had a nice break away last night. Nothing special but it got us out of home. On the way home I realised we would be passing the sports centre where our grand-daughter has her ballet & swimming classes on a Saturday morning. A quick phone call and we were meeting them in the centre cafe. It was quite an eventful visit. Firstly littlest grandson lunged out of the high chair and grabbed at my coffee, I also grabbed for it and got more spilt over me than he did. So we hotfooted it to the loos to run his arm under the cold tap. I got back to the table and realised my hand was beginning to blister and dashed back to the loo to douse my hand under the tap. Grandson was fine and didn't even get a red arm thank goodness. Meanwhile staff had been called for ice and we ended up signing accident forms. We were sitting recovering from all that when my niece turned up with her two children. She'd spotted us from across the cafe. We hadn't seen her since she was a child after her parent split up, although she had met our daughter occasionally at the sports centre when they found their children were in the same class. Following that we had a nice lunch with our daughter and family and eventually made our way home.

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