
By mooman

My Return

Well I havent blipped in properly in months, generally my mood hasn't been right since loosing Ellie then Sam 2009 has not been a good year for me so I am looking forward to its end.

Top of my bad year last month I was told I was being made redundant(or more that my job role was so i would have to reapply for my job). The good news is that I did get my job back but I'm off shift! I am so excited to be going back to a normal working week no more working weekends or 12 hour shifts.

I haven't been Blipping like I should but I have always found it hard when I work 12 hour shifts having the energy to be creative so this will also make a nice change working 7 and a half hour days.

So to mark my return here, here is a photo of Bethan now learning that my camera looks like a very fun toy and cant resist coming up to me to try and steal it of me

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