
By artoo

Farewell Deathtrap

The final curtain came down tonight on the play I've been working on since January. We had a very successful run, supported by good audiences who all seemed to enjoy it. This play marks my return to the amateur stage after approximately 10 years away, and I have loved every minute of it. Apologies if you're getting bored of me saying that!

This is the set which has been my second home for the past few weeks. It'll be broken down tomorrow, ready for rehearsals to start for the next play on Monday. I'm not in the next play. But I'm also determined that it won't be another 10 years before I do this all again.

Much love and thanks to the fantastic cast and crew at Knutsford Little Theatre who were so welcoming and so supportive. It's going to be one heck of a come down tomorrow :(

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