Offcumden Cal

By Cal


Took myself off round the woods in the sunshine before lunch, funny kind of day, sun, rain, hail, all in the space of 5 mins. The woods were lovely and empty, full only with the sound of birdsong. Back into town in a shower, I came across this yarnbombed tree. The drops in vivid red look gorgeous. They are advertising the UK blood donation service. What a brilliant idea, however as just talking about it makes me swoon (fear of needles I'm sad to say) we shall move swiftly on. Thought the colour selection button worked well for this shot, and I loved that the guy with the umbrella stood under this different kind of shower!

Spent the afternoon researching ideas for a percussion club for the 5-6 year olds next term. Anyone out there got any idea or links to good websites?

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