Press Gang

After an exciting evening and a late night I was looking forward to a quiet day today building a massive bonfire.

Rain stopped play, very annoying.

As you may recall, Super Sal stayed over so Poppy was in full guest entertaining mode. They ran away from the puppy screaming, found diamonds on minecraft, drank chocolate milk, played drums and also had a few rounds of hullaballoo before running away from the puppy again. All very exciting.

After Sally left Poppy did her homework and then vanished upstairs for a bit. Time passed and she came back down in tears, she had been writing a Newspaper when the computer went off and lost everything and she was so very upset. thankfully we have autosave on and the document was recovered. Hooray for Autosave. So she was able to finish the publication and it is brilliant, detailing all the important news of the day including a cheeky McDonalds Lunch and the fact that she really wants a Fringe. Considering she has done this and also finished filling her 2014 diary today I could see a future as some sort of writer.

Then to a garden centre a scary place on a Sunday as H needed some plants for a lesson and we needed some bird seed. We also looked at fish tanks as we have promised the children another one at some point.

H Alf and I watched Gravity this afternoon. I really enjoyed it and not just because of the singing ;) The whole thing is brilliant, even H who normally hates any sort of action film thought it was ace (well apart from all the spinning about stuff).

I finally caught up on some guitar practise none of the songs I'm supposed to be learning of course. I went off on an REM, Teardrop Explodes, Cure adventure which is not at all helpful but was a lot of fun.


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