
By CoffeePotter

Happy Birthday Dear Me

I've had a great birthday weekend, with all sorts of things going on.

Today we had a lovely long Skype chat to our son and his wife and our grandsons in Taiwan. It was so nice to see them all on my actual birthday.

Yesterday evening I had a total surprise, when seven of us went out for a fabulous dinner in Stratford. I didn't know anything about it beforehand, and everything was great - the restaurant, the meal, the company, the service. It was a really memorable evening.

Technophobe and LooseCanon were two of the friends that were with us, and the evening was rounded off nicely when I found out this morning that they'd had a double whammy Spotlight yesterday. Well done them.

Today I had some beautiful birthday presents and cards. One of my presents from Clive (Nikonabike) was a set of macro extension tubes, so here is a close-up of an orchid taken using them. This was about the third photo that I took experimenting. The weather was abysmal so I had to make do with indoor shots.

Last year was a "big" birthday, but I was still recovering from an illness, so didn't really celebrate and it went by pretty unnoticed, so that made this year extra special, like two rolled into one.

Back to work tomorrow, but I've had a great weekend thanks to Clive and friends. Thank you. X

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